To my dear Eddie,
Happy 3-month wedding anniversary! I didn’t think we would ever make it but we did! I am so very grateful that you have been standing by me all this time through ups and downs. You are the best husband every girl could possibly ask for and I am definitely the luckiest one to have you in the end. I was very cynical towards love and the Cinderella story so even I was wearing the glass shoes all along, I couldn’t see it. But there you came in your shining white armor, to have shown me how my life could be different with true love. I didn’t expect that you would give up all you had for me, and for which, I would always love you as a token of my gratitude.
I said that I would give you a special present for our 3-month anniversary and what can I give you that you don’t already have and money cannot buy? Here it is a story about us. Sorry that I didn’t have time to translate it into English but I promise you that I would read it to you chapter by chapter before bedtime from now on. But I am sure you are familiar with every detail of the story already. All I want to tell you through this story is that I do love you, though you always complain that I don’t say these three words often enough.
Oh, before I forget, I have news for you. What do you think of embracing fatherhood? Shocking, erh? But I guess you will have enough time, to be exact, 7 months, to emotionally prepare for the arrival of our bundle of joy. I hope it’s a he, as gorgeous as you, having your dark brown hair and your hazel eyes, your 1000-watt □□ile and your lovely personality. I know you are sleeping like a baby in the bedroom right now and I know it’s midnight already but I am coming to kiss you awake and to tell you this news.
To all my readers,
Thank you for accompanying me through this journey. Your support has been tremendously encouraging for which I am really grateful. I sincerely hope that you would like this story and if it could also make you believe that there is always someone out there waiting for you, then there is nothing more could make me happier.
So long, my dear friends. Maybe for you, the night is still young, but for me, good night!
Until we meet again, take care of yourself and each other!
謝謝你們一路陪伴我走完這個旅程。你們巨大的支持讓我銘感在心。我真誠地希望你們會喜歡這個故事, 如果這個小故事能夠讓你們相信在這個世界的某個角落總會有一個人在等待你的話, 那我就心滿意足了。
我親愛的朋友們, 我們就暫時說聲再見吧。也許對你來說,仍是夜深無眠;但對於我來說, 是晚安的時間了。
S. W. Windsor
18th May, 2005